Thursday, August 26, 2010

In Awe of Him :)

Heyo Quest! There's a quick little tidbit of how awesome God is, and how he continues to be everyday that I would like to share with you.

To start, think of all the times you've prayed to God for something. Maybe it was to make a good test grade, to have better friendships, to be successful in a certain sport, etc. Or sometimes it's more important stuff like boldness, strength, courage, compassion, humility, stuff like that. Now, we know that the Lord is faithful (2 Thessalonians 3:3, 1 Corinthians 1:9) and that he works in his own time (Ecclesiastes 3:11, Romans 8:28, Acts 1:7), but do you ever feel like the Lord isn't answering your prayers? Have you ever doubted that he even hears you? Well, he definitely hears you, but I know at some points in life I have doubted that for sure. But back to the answering prayers thing. Do you ever feel that way? Like maybe God is putting you on hold or something?

When I was younger, I would often pray for a sign...something telling what decision to make or which direction to go. And sometimes I would get it, but the majority of the time it appeared as though my prayers were being left unanswered. I got frustrated with myself and with God. I wondered why he wasn't providing for me what I thought I needed. Well, now I've grown an enormous amount in my faith, and I'm on the other side of this and it's so cool to see how God can work in his own timing and in ways we don't even realize.

Here's the mind-blowing part: By not answering my prayers back then, he had begun to answer my prayers now. Let's break this down real quick. So, I prayed for a sign, didn't get it. I got upset because I didn't know why God would leave me hanging like that. Now, one of my main prayer focuses is to learn to live by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). If God had given me the signs i wanted earlier in my life, how would I be able to learn what it means to live by faith alone? I would have always been relying on signs from God to get me through sticky situations or hard times. He knew what my prayer would be today. He knew it when he withheld from me the sign I wanted. He began to answer a prayer I had not even prayed yet because he already knew it before I ever did. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?! Ridiculously incredible, to say the least. His timing is soooo different from our perception of it! He works for our good (Romans 8:28) and has a purpose for us! He knows us inside and out, and knows every thought that will cross our minds every second of every day for the rest of our lives!! P.S. If you want more info on just how much God knows us, check out Psalm 139. :) But i mean, how breath-taking is that?! Our creator and Savior is more glorious and beautiful than we will ever know, but each day he reveals more and more of who he is, and shows himself to us when we seek Him.

Have a radiant week and keep up the awesome posts....Alexa

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