Monday, August 9, 2010

Little Things are so BIG!

The past few weeks have been great! God's really slapped me in the face and turned me around. My whole life I've always been waiting and wanting that BIG spiritual moment, such as having the opportunity to share the plan of salvation to someone or g0 on a mission trip over seas. But lately God's been questioning me and let me realize that I'm not being obedient in the littlest things which can sometimes be the most important. One thing I hear alot of speakers say is which is so true, "How are you going to serve in Africa or China when you're not even serving in your own home or city?" Taking that, the past 3 weeks my focus has been just serving my family and the places I go around my hometown. One of the things is just washing dishes so my Dad doesn't have to do it when he gets home everyday from a long day of work. I'm trusting God that through me being obedient to these little things that he is preparing me to maybe oneday go spread the gospel in Africa or have multipule opportunities to spread the gospel. We're obedient to God not because it's the right thing, but because we love God who first loved us! I actually hope I'm in a wheelchair oneday because I've served God so much!
Psalm 19:14
-Ben Jones :)


  1. I love this bro. Such a good encouragement for me as well to serve those people around me.

  2. I love the quote about serving your country. It really made me think. Thanks!

  3. Thank you for posting! One of the lows activites we did at camp had to do with how the little things in life make a huge difference...something I'm going to start working on a lot more.


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