Monday, July 26, 2010


Hey guys, OK, if you were SOJO session 5, or ever were in a cabin with me, you've most likely heard my rampage about the Proverbs 31 woman, well today I was reading and my favorite part really stuck out to me (obviously there is a reason why it is my favorite), its Proverbs 31:25 and is says "Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come" Here's a little tidbit, fun fact, about me. Like most 15 year old girls I am in love with clothes, but I think I take it to a whole new level, I'm passionate about them, I seriously like will go and plan out outfits when I am bored, I hang out with my clothes when my friends are busy because I love them so much....OK maybe not that obsessed but its pretty close. Well in Proverbs 31:25 when it talks about how strength and dignity are her clothing, I was thinking about it and WOW! guys like strength and dignity were so evident in her conduct and character that they were practically like her clothes. I mean I wont lie to you, I have some pretty spectacular outfits, but hers take the cake. Like obviously she was voted best dressed in high school or something because her clothes are so much cooler than anyone elses I know. Its so cool that it says that, like clothes are something that people look at and admire and that's what the bible says clothes her. When people look at her thats what they see. I asked myself the question, "what clothes you?", so guys what clothes you? I challenge you to explore yourself and decide what clothes you?
also, it says "she laughs at the time to come" meaning unlike others who were worried and fearful of what the future held in store she laughed and was joyous because she knows that what is to come is coming from Him, and that he will provide. When I think of laughter I think of Sarah in the bible (Genesis 21:1) and how her laughter of doubt about not being able to concieve a child turned into laughter of faith when the lord provided. Proverbs 31 woman had laughter of faith, not of doubt. So my other question for you quest is are you laughing out of doubt or out of faith?

I just I want to challenge you guys to figure this out, like I will be honest when I though about what clothed me the first thing that came to my head was selfishness, I'm figuring out what im laughing out of, if its doubt or if its faith, I just I want to say its faith but when I think about it, there are so many times that I doubt God. It's hard to think that your dressed in selfishness and you laugh out of doubt, but it just means that those are things that I need to work on and that I need to improve.

So heres my challenge: Decide on two words that you think best clothe you, mine are selfishness and unkindness (strange one, i know) then pick two words that you want to clothe you, mine are Boldness and Gentleness, and every morning put them on and work on them, pray that God gives you opprotunities to be those things.
The decide about you laughing, if you have a laughter of faith like the proverbs 31 woman or laughter of doubt like Sarah. Keep in mind that if you have a laughter of doubt, that can change, Sarah's did, and yours will too. Pray that God will give you opprotunities to prove your faithfullness.

I hope this post was helpful, or challengeing? I just I challenged myself to do this and I wanted to challenge yall. Let me know how things go. I yall got something out of this and if you guys ever want something good to read you should def check out Proverbs 31, shes such a cool lady, and we have a lot to learn from her.

I love you guys



  1. Yes I realize gentle and bold are the most contradicting things butt bold in the sence of being bold in my spirit and gentle in the way I talk to others. Haha sorry that they see so contradicting.

  2. Madi, I love this post so much. I think it's awesome that you challenged all of us! Thanks for being a sister to each one of us! I am going to really think about your challenge and figure out which two words cloth me! You're awesome. I love you!

  3. Hey Madi I have been thinking about your challenge and I am having sort of a hard time figuring out what truly clothes me. The ones that came to my mind were selfishness(like you already said), unthoughtfulness (if that's even a word), arrogance, and competitiveness. They're all pretty negative, but that's ok; now i have stuff to work on like you said. But then I thought that maybe it would be cool to do it for each other. Because for me, and maybe it's just me, but sometimes it's hard for me to see me for who I truly am. Sometimes somebody has to point it out to me so I can see it clearly for myself.

    Like in Luke 6:42~"How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

    So I was thinking that (if we can take constructive criticism well) we could do this for each other to help you know? I'm not even sure if that's a good idea or not, but it's worth a shot! Thanks for posting, Madi, it was awesome.

  4. Wow, thank you so much for posting this, This is really challanging! I am deffinately going to start praying for God to help me put on the right clothes every morning!! thanks so much, this was really helpful.

  5. Alexa that would be awesome. How would you like to do that? Also, I've been meaning to get in contact with you and maybe we can get coffee or pizza at pie works or something I just I would love to talk to you and get to know you better!
    Also, thank you guys so much for the encouragement!


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Talk about what you got out of it, what challenged you, questions you have, and any other cool stuff about what you read in scripture.