Monday, July 5, 2010

Make War

Session 5, we've been home from sky ranch for just two days now and I am already finding myself face to face with tons of different temptations that seemed absent while at sky ranch. Guys, If you remember, on tuesday night Cameron told us to "make war" against temptation and against all sin. This short phrase has really helped me not give in to many of the temptations that I have faced and I hope it can do the same for all of you. If you feel a sudden urge to sin and if you feel that you should give in to the temporary pleasure of the world, just remember that you should "make war" against this temptation in order to overcome it. Also remember that this worldly pleasure is short, fleeting, and altogether unsatisfactory. Look, instead, for joy in God and in his word. Remember, though, that alone, we are powerless against the devil and temptation, but if we "make war" with faith that God is behind us and trusting that he will help us successfully beat temptation, then the devil cannot touch us. Also, If any of you are having problems with temptation, you have all your brothers and sisters in quest who will be there to help you in any way possible. So remember, "make war" against all the temptations that you face, and as long as long as you do so with trust that God will be with you the entire time, you will not fall to any temptation.

Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give into temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak! -Mathew 26:41

Love yall


  1. i really love that! thanks so much for posting!

  2. this was really encouraging bro. I am working on the same talk right now and was really questioning if it was to deep for the guys. This is so cool that you posted when you did because now i am more encouraged than ever to talk to these guys about making war.

    How is finding community in a Church going?

  3. Its going pretty well man. I went to church with Andrew Korst on Suday at Christ United Methodist in Plano and I absolutly loved it. The discussions in Suday School really made sense to me and applied, and the service was really cool too. I plan on going hear for a couple weeks, and then I might also visit a couple of other Churches as well.

  4. Thank you so much for posting! This really encouraged me because I also have been feeling alot of spiritual attack these past few days. And that can be so discouraging because i think that if I can't even go a few days without changing back to my old self, how can i go a whole year? That phrase really spoke to me and I will deffinately remember that when I am struggling!

  5. This was such an ecouragement!I think we also know that God will never let us go through temptation that we cannot handle. Thanks so much for posting!

  6. mann kyle! i do this exact same thingg. it helps me so much. Seeing that someone else out there is doing the same thing is really encouraging bro!


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