Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Hey Quest! I have a question I was hoping y'all could help me with. I've read in Leviticus and Deuteronomy some laws that we don't apply to our lives anymore. Like in Leviticus 19, there are a couple examples, and also in those books it says stuff about not trimming your beard, or don't eat shrimp, or women can't talk in church. My question is, why don't we live by those laws anymore?


  1. well i can answer part of your question where it talks about shrimp when jesus came down he made many things 'clean' and shellfish was one of them

  2. haha... sir joe remember when you said that you learned how to answer questions on your own your last week at camp? Well... besides googling it, what are ways that you could figure this out? And what is your guess just based on what you know?

  3. Ok, well I'll tell you the vague answer I've gotten on my own.
    I would hope that the answer isn't, "We got lazy, and decided those rules don't apply anymore. We choose what we like, and ignore the rest." So, I'll rule that out. Andrew answer helps a little, because that means God, at one point, must have made new rules for the new people. Not that the others got old, but since they are in Deuteronomy, I guess, maybe, they were rules for Israel only, since they were about to enter the Promised Land? That's what I got. And later, did God make a new set of rules for all Christians today? Maybe something like that. I've been looking, but I can't find a specific verse. That's all I got. Please tell me if I'm wrong about any of this.

  4. WAIT! I have an answer! actually cameron answered this for me. That was levitical law, and at the time we were under a different covenant with God but once he sent Jesus we became under a new covenant with God, or something like that. Right Cam!? I remember you telling me this when I asked about tattoos. You told me something like that.


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