Tuesday, July 6, 2010

tossed and turned back home

I read in Ephesians 4 today and it talked about how we are like children that are tossed to and fro by the waves of the world. I was really encouraged by the whole chapter and got to talk to Chris Witt about it and he told me this awesome analogy that I wanted to share with you guys.

In the times when Paul was traveling by sea around to all of the different churches and writing these letters, they had these anchors that they would use to pull themselves in. The anchor was set into the safe, port waters and the ships would attatch themselves to these ropes and pull themselves in. The seas can be treacherous and the process is really dangerous, but as long as they hung on the anchor, pull by pull they would reach the safe harbor.

Alot of us are out in those dangerous seas right now back home and we have got to grab a hold of that anchor, Jesus Christ. We may be tossed and turned by the waves but we persevere, holding fast to the anchor. It may be tough but as long as we cling to Christ, he will navigate us to the harbor.

But it is not enough just to hold on, we have got to pull our ship to that harbor. We have got to make pulls in our own life towards Christ, otherwise we are just going to sit there and continued to get dominated by the sea.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is really encouraging! Thank you, I really needed that!


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