Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Hello fellow QUESTers.... My name is reid corbin from session 7 (represent)! Anyways lately I have been having trouble with my relationship with God! I have grown up in a Christian home and I go to a Christian school! this was my second year at quest and i had the same problem last year! The great Cameron Cook told me that i needed to work at the relationship like praying, meditating god's word (not jut reading but understanding it), etc.... But i was being unwise and did not listen to him!
So the year imbetween my quest experience my reltionship struggled because of that (and some other stuff that is not important right now)! After quest experience number 2 I was on track but my relationship was still lacking... All of this made me question my belief.... So i was praying the prayer "Lord I BELIEVE, help me with my UNBELIEF!" Which was a prayer John Morgan told us about that some dude prayed in Matthew... I dont remember the verse cuz im currently reading James.... Anyways he helped me with my belief last night when i went to a restaurant in hawaii... Thats where i am right now.... And we were talking to the waitress about this book that my moms making me read and sh said i should do the work book because (and this is what hit me) "It is one thing to have knowledge and know what the book is telling you but its another thing to actually work at it" she said something like that..... Anyways that was God smacking me in the face being like, "reid it takes two people to work at a relationship"... Anyways thats kinda whats going on right now! God told me once through cameron but i was stubborn so he told me again through Julie the waitress and now i realize i am holding my relationship back from God!
Anyways I hope that made since.... it did in my head haha! GOD BLESS YALL


  1. I'm so happy to hear that Reid. God speaks in unusual ways, and sometimes its in the simplest most unusual way. But when it does connect, it really connects. I'm so proud of you bro. Remember the more you continue to pursue and get to know God, the more you'll want to know Him. Its the relationship that keeps on giving.

  2. Running Tally:

    Cameron 0

    Julie 1

    God 20bigillion


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