Sunday, July 4, 2010


"Every moment is worthless no meaning or purpose,
Every breath is just waisted, if you are not the center of my world
Im just drifting, barely existing,
Cause every minute without you is worthless"
-Worthless, by Point of Grace

So I heard this song and i found it super powerful and convicting. It just reminds me that everything in this life that we spend time on besides God is fleeting. Nothing else will last, and everything else is meaningless from the eternal perspective. We need to keep God at the center of our world. In everything that we do in school, sports, and with our friends, We should be doing it with the motive to please God. It is so true that every minute without him is worthless. Our lives are a gift. Our next breath is not a guarantee. I say this not to worry you, but to remind you to invest in things that will last. This really changes my perspective on spending time with the Lord daily. Before, i thought that if you read your Bible in the morning for fifteen minutes, that was awesome. And it is awesome to be in the word daily, but there is more to it than that!! The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. Think how different every day would be if we truely did that! I think that is what Christ being the "center of our world" means. for if we keep him at the forefront of our minds throughout the day, than we will naturally start to think of the details more from his perspective. And then we start to change.To become more like Jesus, we need to spend time with him. And thought reading the Bible is absolutely essential, we can't just do it for a few minutes in the morning and then be done.
I know its not a Bible verse, but i really found that song challenging, and I hope you do too!!


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