Friday, July 23, 2010

Meet my friend David...

Hey guys, Madi here,
I've been studying the life of David recently and I would love to share what I have discovered.
David was known as a man after the heart of the Lord, he was anointed and he was special. In 1 Samuel 16:18 someone describes David like this "...A man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a man of good presence and the Lord is with him" also in 1 Samuel 17:47 it says "and that all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord's and he will give you into our hand" You guys! I'm so blown away! First of all I want people to look at me like they looked at David and know, with out a second thought, that the Lord is with me, I want a good presence, and I want my speech to be prudent and wise. I want to be woman of valor and boldness. Second, if you know me personally you know that I try to fight all my battles on my own, but the Lord has already wing the Lord taken care of my battles and has given them to me. David goes into all his battles confident in the Lord and knows he will take care of things, I want that mentality so bad, think of how incredible and how easy things would be if we just already decided that every trial was taken care of and that the Lord was already making things right? think about it! One more thing that makes me want to be like David, in 2 Samuel 6:14 and it says "and David danced before the Lord with all his might..." that really hit me and let me tell you why, when I worship sometimes I just kinda go through the motions I don't really put my whole heart into it or care enough to give all my worship to Him, but David danced with all his might before the Lord, I'm starting to think of worship kinda like a perfume, I want to poor it all over the Lord, nothing left over, and David really poured out all his praise on the Lord. Y'all I want a heart that beats like Davids, a heart that beats for the Lord and Him only.

Ok enough about David, let's talk about GOD! In 1 samuel 16:7 it says ..."For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward apperance, but the Lord looks on the heart" Guys God looks at the heart of man, he doesnt look at how we look or how we dress or walk or talk but at out heart, He doesn't see the other. Guys he doesnt measure his love for us by how many verses we memorize or how many times we go to sky ranch. God values the heart of man. Who is like our God, who measures men from the inside out?

Amazed by Him



  1. Thanks so much for posting this Madi!
    I relly like your perfume analogy. Cause it is really easy to just sing the worship songs but not really put our whole selves into it. I hope that I can worship more like that!!
    Love you!

  2. This is a really good reminder. It is really easy to get caught up in ourselves in the ways that man perceive us. I for sure struggle with this. Thanks for the reminder Madi. Love it when you post!

  3. Eh. I'm not a big fan of posting. I don't think I'm going to do it that much.

  4. And I still have trouble understanding why that is because this was one of the most enlightening posts I've read. Oh well. Thanks for posting!


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