Sunday, July 11, 2010

Where we're at

Hey Quest! This is Alexa from session 6 SoJo! I am SO excited to finally be posting on the blog! I feel like this is such an awesome way for us to all keep up with each other and encourage one another and pursue Christ. Together. We are the body of Christ.

I don't have all that much to say yet, but one thing the Lord really put on my heart today i do want to share with y'all. He sort of revealed this obvious fact to me in Sunday school this morning, and perfectly enough it connected very well with something that we talked a lot about at camp. We had been listening to our youth minister talk for a while and everyone could tell he was coming to a close, making his final points of the sermon. Then he said ,"Alright I'm going to pray with y'all and then we'll go." Right then everyone moved in their chairs. And you could hear it. We sit in those metal folding chairs in Sunday school so when people are changing positions you know it, especially when a lot of people do it at once. Even i moved, probably out of habit to a more upright position, preparing to pray. That's basically what everyone did because let's face it, during sermons we tend (or at least i do) to slump down in our seats, some of us barely holding onto consciousness before nearly falling asleep! So when the speaker says "Let's pray," it means the sermon is coming to an end. And to most people, that is a good thing. But to those of us Questers who want and yearn to know about the Lord and seek him daily, it can be a letdown when an awesome message ends. Anyways, back to the story, when everyone sat up only to bow their heads again in prayer, it made me think about going to the Lord in prayer, just in general. Sitting up was like when we act like we have it all together when we pray to God, when clearly we do not, just like we act like we weren't about to fall asleep in the middle of a sermon during church. And then there are those people who don't move at all when prayer time comes around, and God showed me how that was like the people who go to God in prayer and meet him where they're at. They don't try to conceal the reality of the brokenness they're experiencing, they just go to the Lord with what they're dealing with in that moment or time. That's just what God brought to my attention this morning, and i wanted to share it on here. Thanks for reading and I cannot wait to see how the Lord uses this thing for his glory.

In his pure and holy embrace forever,


  1. Hey!! This is awesome! Girl everytime you speak (or post) it's sonawesome!! Thanks for sharing.


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