Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ephesians 2:1-10

Ok so I think every one of you should read Ephesians 2:1-10 over the next couple of days. It walks through the doctrine of being saved, who we were, what we become, why we can be saved, and the struggle between evil and Christ. The grace of God and our faith that saves us, not works.

It is just a really good explanation of salvations and understanding what God did for us. If I had to explain the gospel to someone who never heard it I would probably use this scripture.

Side Note: I amin Colorado this week and I will be on the blog alot so if you have any prayer requests or questions I would love to focus some of of my time this week doing that. Love you guys


  1. Hey Cameron I do have a couple prayer requests...they're sort of long so do want me to email you or facebook message you or something like that?

  2. Thanks cameron, those verses are awesome!

  3. alexa, could you just make a long comment on the blog?

  4. I just finished reading Ephesians, and the whole book is so awesome! I really like 2:8-10 because it explains that it is God's gift of grace that saves us and that we are God's workmanship, created to do good works.

    I'm in Colorado right now too! Vail :)

  5. Yep. So there's this guy that I know and he believes in Wicca and is homosexual. I've been sharing stuff about Christ with him but he just doesn't really care. He says he was raised in a Christian home and he hated it. He has chosen his own path, Wicca, and he loves it. He says he believes in God but doesn't like him, and he thinks the Bible contradicts itself. When I asked him for an example of that, he said that the Bible says we are called to love everyone but that people don't like homosexuals because they love someone of the same gender. I'm not sure he even has a firm grip on what he believes. He says he just feels like he is meant to practice Wicca, and that it gives him a peace of mind to pray to the gods and goddesses on the earth that he, as a Wiccan, believes in. He says he knows the story of Jesus's death and resurrection, but he doesn't care about it and doesn't care about reading the Bible because it doesn't make sense and he just doesn't like it.

    And then when I was talking to him again about all this yesterday, he flat out told me "I will never be a Christian." It just broke my heart. I know that I can't save anyone; only the Lord can. It's just hard to try to share Christ with someone who could care less and is so satisfied with we're they're at now. Just be praying for him? And that the next time I talk to him, the Lord would give me the words to say. Yesterday I was left speechless; I was literally at a loss for words and thankfully God knew that and this guy had to go, which gave me some more time to be in prayer about the situation. Prayer, advice, scripture, anything that might help is what I'm asking for here. Thanks guys...yall are awesome.

  6. Alexa, I love your heart for this guy. Love is the greatest thing that we possess. It is able to penetrate all darkness so never stop loving him. His comment about Christians not loving homosexuals is totally not true. Of course we love him, we just disagree with homosexuality... we dont blame him for it the same way someone struggles with an eating disorder. We dont agree with their disorder but we totally love them through it.

    What are more questions/ problems that he brings up?

  7. Alexa that's so awesome that you're trying to help this guy! I'll be praying for you, that God will give you the words to say, and for him, that he may one day grow to love God.

  8. hey cam i know this is sup lame but i just had my wisdom teeth surgery tuesday and im totally fine but that i stay fine and that i dont bust all my stitches. that would be nice.

  9. Yeah Cameron that makes sense and that's sorta what I was trying to get across from him...I think the one thing, if anything I said connected with him, was the fact that I will love him with the love of Christ no matter what he does or who he is and also that I am not here to judge him because who am I to judge anyone? and i told him that he I think he honestly appreciated the fact that I know that I sin just as much as anybody else on the planet!

    He didn't say any other particular place in the Bible where he thinks it contradicts itself, but that's because he said he doesn't care to read it because it makes no sense and he just doesn't like it. So I'm not sure what to do about that. Thanks for the help and prayer guys, Y'all are awesome! :)

  10. That's awewome... let us know how that goes

  11. So I've been talking some more to this guy, just casual conversation, you know, nothing special, and it's kinda cool. Like we don't talk as much about the Lord or Christianity just because I don't want to overwhelm him with it all, but we are becoming better friends. In fact, now he usually starts the conversations, not me. It's just cool to see how the Lord built a friendship with him off of a conversation that he was never that interested in to begin with! I am leaving this situation up to the lord, and I know that the seeds have been planted at the least, I am just praying that they fell on fertile soil.


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Talk about what you got out of it, what challenged you, questions you have, and any other cool stuff about what you read in scripture.