Sunday, July 11, 2010

Expect the Unexpected

Hello there! I'm Madeline from Sojo session 6 and am really excited to share with everyone about the amazing experience God has given me this past week, so here goes...

Last week was amazing. I went into it wanting to remember that God is all-knowing, and he understands what I'm going through 100 percent. The week had been going great and I felt like I could feel God around me everywhere I went, I was unstoppable. However, that Thursday me and a friend of mine were in shock as God turned the tables on both of our lives. Our dear friend who acted in our community theatre group had been in a coma for the past several weeks, and he had passed away Tuesday morning July 6, 2010. I wasn't sure why God had decided to bring me the news on what was supposed to be the greatest week of my year. But once I thought about it, I realized that it was a blessing that I was surrounded by a cabin of such great girls and four amazing counselors to be with the both of us.

#1. God knew exactly what he was doing... and He revealed to me about how He knows everything I'm going through.

So I had to miss the closing ceremony Saturday in order to make it to the funeral on time. Walking into the church, I was expecting everything to be sad-most funerals are. However once we sat down, the pastor immediately said how today we weren't going to mourn, but celebrate the life of Zach how he would have wanted it to be celebrated. It was the most beautiful celebration I've ever witnessed. They had a time where they worshipped and on the third song Zach's mother, who had lost both her husband and her only son within two years time, continued to sing and praise God with a smile on her face that brought tears to my eyes. How someone who had lost two of the closest people in her life could still stand up on stage in front of everyone and shout praises to our Lord will forever amaze me. She later spoke to everyone about what happened after he passed away. She told us how angry she was that God would take away her one and only son, but then she heard God say to her,

#2"I understand, remember that I have been through everything you are going through right now. " And that is what gave her joy, and God revealed himself to me once more.

So I got everything I asked for when I showed up the first day at Sky Ranch. God answered my prayer two different times, and now I know how He truly does understand every situation in life.

I hope my story inspired you in some way. And heres one more thing, Job 12:13



  1. Hey Madeline, My name is Madi. I'm from session 5. Your post was super encouraging. One of my favorite verses is 2 Corinthians 4;8. Look it up. It's beautiful. You may know it already. But this post was awesome and wi bring encouragement to anyone and everyone who reads it. I lost both of my parents four years ago and maybe that's why I like it so much. Because its like finding out I'm not in this alone there's others out there that are hurting to but over come their hurt and grief by Pursing the Lord and knowing there are people like you out there to support people like Me and Zacks mom in times of stuggle. This post was awesome and was a perfect way to start my morning. Keep on posting and sharing your wisdom and insight with us. It's incredible! You go girl!!!

  2. Sorry if I was rambling. Haha.

  3. Madeline, first of all, even though we both know it, i don't say I LOVE YOU enough. so, i truly with everything that i am, LOVE YOU. This story, though I'd already heard it at camp, is such an encouragement. Just like we talked about the Lord being glorified through trials, Zach's mom made sure he was glorified in this, and he was! How sweet is that! The Lord is so good!! I just wanted to thank you for teaching me so much the past week, and honestly, my entire life. God has put you in my life for a reason, and everyday he reminds me of that :) Thanks for sharing this story on here; Iknow whoever reads it will be encouraged!
    1 Peter 4:12-14


  4. Madeline! Wow, I am so encouraged right now! The Lord is SO SO good. It is great to hear how He is working in your life right now. What a blessing it is for Zack's mom to know the Lord during this hard time.

  5. Wow thank you guys!! And Madi I didn't know that about you, and you definetly weren't rambling. We live in the same city, if you didn't know, hahaha! And I love you too Alexa, the Lord has blessed me by having you all my life to keep me accountable. And Dana, Quest this year has left a huge print on my heart and you and Cameron did an awesome job with everything!! I loved hearing your story and God has definetly done amazing things in your life. I can't wait for what he has in store for all of us:)

  6. We do?!? Girl!!! We gotta meet!!

  7. yeah we sure do!!! Sounds good to me.


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