Monday, August 24, 2009

Acts 1-3

Things I found interesting, looking at it in an inductive bible study-esque way:

-Jesus says in 1:7 that "it is not for you to know the times or preiods that the Father has set by his own authority." Talking about His second coming, Jesus himself states that it is not for any of us to know, but for God alone who has set it

-Jesus did descend into Hell after He died before His ressurection: seen in 2:24 and 2:31-32. Jesus conquered death and Hell = Jesus conquered sin so that our sins would be forever paid for...death/sin could not hold Him

-There are comforting words from David quoted here in 2:25-26: "I saw the Lord always before me, for he is at my right hand so that I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced; morever my flesh will live in hope." I love this. I want to find what Psalm it is located in...

Basically is saying: -The Lord is always before us, He is always here. He never leaves or will leave. He is at our RIGHT HAND-- meaning, He is RIGHT THERE at all times, there for us to hold His hand or grab Him or touch Him or find Him when we seek for Him. Thus, we cannot be shaken. If God is always with us, at our right hand (basically at our fingertips, for lack of better metaphors), we should not fear.
-My flesh will live in hope = Think about this for a second. My FLESH will live in hope. Our flesh = our human nature/earthly selves/sinful/gratifying to ourselves and not to the Lord...because the Lord is always before us at our right hand, our flesh can live in hope. Our earthly, disgusting, sinful flesh can live in HOPE because our God has sent His son as that hope, to cover our flesh with His blood. Man. I love it.

Chapter 3:11-12 has a lot of names for Jesus, including: servant, Holy and Righteous One, Author of Life, Messiah. Jesus is so many things; actually, He is ALL things. He is all-encompassing. I really like "Author of Life," it isn't mentioned as often as others. Author= writer over specific texts or stories; Jesus is the writer over the specific text, of LIFE

Chapter 3:19-20: "Repent therefore, and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord..." Mmm. It's saying that Jesus is a refreshment, that the Lord's presence should bring our hearts/minds/souls refreshment. I like this because today, first day of classes/first day of my senior year of college, I am not feeling refreshed, I am feeling down and like I am losing what God did in my life this summer by being bogged down by things here, but reading this, and being in the presence of the Lord, has refreshed me. Yes!


  1. what a great post :) it's so comforting to be reminded that Jesus has conquered all things, and he is right by our side. How wonderful to know that even with the struggles I face daily, I have the winning team at my right hand. Especially with school starting. I know exactly what you mean by being bogged down. I feel like because I'm not as focused on God, or because I spend so much of my time with marching band and homework, that I'm dissapointing my lord. As if what I'm doing now isn't good enough because of how on fire for him I was this summer...not going to lie though, this blog is helping a lot. It's keeping me focused and helping me to find my daily "refreshment." ;) thanks guys.

  2. praise the Lord, whit. thanks for this :] love you!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. thanks for that whitley (: i looove what you said about our flesh being able to live in hope. our sins and our wrongdoings can actually live in HOPE because of what Jesus has gone through in order to save our sins. we can live in hope and in peace because Jesus' death on the cross has redeemed the world. ahhh so cool. thanks again. love/miss you!


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