Monday, August 31, 2009

Acts 7

i know this chapter was a few days ago, but i can't get over it still. Reading Acts 7 just now and reading the account of OT history that Stephen gave, with his boldness and fervor in front of the council about how they were to be compared/associated with the Israelites who opposed God in the time of Moses and Joshua...i mean, that is BOLD. To basically call out the council and high priests and say, "You are just like they were! Turn your ways around..." and their anger caused him to be stoned. But Stephen took it just like Jesus did. The things he said as they were stoning him and the way he humbly received it, suffering for Christ's sake, it was a beautiful thing to read. I felt like something hit me in the chest.

I want to be bolder. I feel that God has caused me to get outside of my comfort zone in a lot of areas, such as with dance team girls or girls in my classes, but even with the dude that's riding in the elevator with me, or the girl across the hall I have yet to meet. I don't know what I'm waiting for. Why do we hesitate so much to be like Christ? What holds us back? My prayer is to learn to love like Him and be His hands and feet. In our hallway, our names are on our doors either on cut-out handprints or footprints. Today I was walking by and it's like God was saying, "See, be my hands and feet to these people." Man, God has the coolest ways of speaking to us (lingo!).


  1. Ahhh Whitley that is sooo cool! I wish I could be bolder in my faith too. :/ Not many people at my school are very religious. It's like they just pretend to be religious because their parents force them to. I wish I had the courage it takes to really share my beliefs with these people. And I've started wearing a key around my neck just like you and Madi do (I have a great story behind how I got that key...I'll tell you soon!) and whenever people ask me why I'm wearing a key, I usually say "It's a long story" or "It's a camp thing." Ughh, it's just so hard to actually share that kind of thing with someone whom I barely know or talk to or someone who isn't very religious. So yea, that point is, I'm in desperate need of some boldness too...

    And about being the hands and feet of Christ...I love that! What verse is that?! I remember that's what Madi put on her my ride board! Awesome.

  2. haley, when people ask you--take that opportunity to tell them. it might be their first glimpse at the kingdom of GOD!!! i have at least one person ask me everyday, and whether i know them or not, or know their religious background or not, i say, "do you want the one sentence version or the story?" usually they ask for the story. and i tell it! if they ask for one sentence, i say, "it just means that god is the key to life." either way, GOD'S NAME is being proclaimed! the good news is spreading! don't be afraid to share your story!

  3. thanks so much for that whitley! i'm REALLY glad you told me that. i feel a lot bolder in my faith now! i've prayed to God to give me the strength and the courage it takes to be myself and to share my beliefs despite what others may think, and now i'm confident that i can do this! it's as if God gave me this key for a reason, so that i can teach more people at my school about Him, even if that means stepping a little bit out of my comfort zone. thanks again! oh, and did you read the message i posted about how i got my key? pretty amazing what God can do. (:


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