Tuesday, August 18, 2009

John 18

Hey everyone. This is going to be a quick little post, but I wanted to share a little of John 18.
Ok, when I read about Peter cutting off that guy's ear, I thought, "Oh, cool. A fight scene in the Bible." But the thing that is really cool about the Bible is that even in these little stories or parts that you think nothing of, there's still a meaning underneath all of it. And when I thought about Peter cutting off that guy's ear and Jesus stopping him, I saw that you can apply this to your life. You know that God has a plan for you. Peter knew that. Peter let God lead him. But sometimes, when things get hectic and out of control, you decide to take matters into you own hands, just like Peter did. And that's not the right thing to do. Even when you think that everything is out of control, and that it's time for you top step up and take the wheel, it's not. Let God do what he wants to do. If Peter had had his way, there would have been a giant fight, which may have lead to Jesus not being crucified. And while Jesus not being crucified would have been great, it wouldn't have been God's plan for Him. So you see, if you decide that you need to take matters into your own hands, usually that will take you to a path that will lead to sin. Keep that in mind next time you think you think you have to much going on.

One more quick thing, watch this video and tell me what you think. Click on the little link that says, "Watch Video Again," or something like that. Tell me what you think. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. cool video, joe. thanks for sharing. may we all have that courage and spirit of boldness to STAND UP! :]


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