Thursday, August 27, 2009

holy delegation

Pretty cool to see common leadership principles played out by the disciples. They were called to preach the good news. They were apostles who knew and walked with Christ, their testimonies were so powerful. They recognized the need for feeding the widows and poor and knew that they would spend all their time there so they found men of sound reputation, full of the spirit and wisdom to take their task and run with it.

And these new seven men were faithful in feeding the widows. Look what the Lord did when Stephen was faithful with little; God gave him an incredible stage to share the gospel. It all started with Stephen being faithful in the little things.

I don't know about you guys but I don't have a "stage" right now so this passage encourages me to continue to serve and be faithful in the little things. For example, I would love to teach the word somewhere at some level to whoever because I love it but that door is not open. They need kindergarten helpers at my church and this is where the need is for me. So I will be faithful and go serve the little ones, God will bring me to teach or he may not but I am going to be faithful with the small things now.


  1. i love this passage (: but cameron, you HAVE had a "stage" (in a way...)! you had a stage at sky ranch. you (and all of the other quest counselors) got up on that "stage" (not an actual stage, but you know what i mean) and taught me SO much this summer. so maybe your stage for now isn't year-round, but at least you are able to do something like that during the summer. idk if that's what you mean by a stage, but, trust me, you've done wayyy more the simply teaching kindergarteners. your faith has touched everyone's hearts this summer and has changed all of our perspectives.

  2. very cool. i need to be a lot more faithful in following god's call in my life. i have been wishing lately that i did not go out for captain of the dance team. it is weighing me down and the world is getting in the is making me feel ugly, untalented, underappreciated...i hate that. but i need to remain faithful as to why i have been put in that place. i need to stop letting the world get to me and push through with God's strength.


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